動畫精選 Animation
加拿大傑出動畫精選 Canadian Digital Animation Works
Topic Organizer: Yi-ching CHEN紐約州立大學水牛城分校藝術媒體碩士。2003年創辦及策劃第一屆台灣國際動畫影展,2004年將台灣動畫推上國際最大的動畫影展法國安錫國際動畫影展,也陸續在澳門、上海、日本、加拿大等地策劃動畫展。動畫簡介:
加拿大國家電影局(簡稱NFB)隸屬加拿大文化遺產部的官方組織,負責動畫 、紀錄片的製作、發行及推廣事宜,盛名遠播世界各地。自1939年創立以來,NFB已製作超過13000作品,贏得超過5000個獎項。
動畫實驗大師諾曼‧麥克拉倫在1941年於NFB的全國總部蒙特婁設立動畫部。在這自由開放的創作環境裡 ,導演不但可自由使用任何設備製作影片,NFB也鼓勵創新技術的研發 。這七十年以來動畫部已製作出很多跨時代、前衛及實驗作品。其中更有七部影片獲得奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎。
(A)雅尼克‧涅傑瑟貢 Yannick Nézet-Séguin: No Intermission
Directed by Theodore Ushev
製作 瑞尼‧西涅爾
Produced by René Chénier
5分 52秒 / 2010
05 min 52 s / 2010
He is a young man – an optimist drawn to dark music and the themes of death and suffering. Conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin has gained a reputation for his dedication, musicality and charisma. Combining documentary and animation, this short film captures his energy and passion, both in performance and in conversation.
(B)造型遊戲 Forming Game
Directed by Malcolm Sutherland
製作 馬希‧佩吉
Produced by Marcy Page
5分 27秒 / 2008
05 min 27 s / 2008
遊戲說明:打開盒子,將紙板攤開。遊戲開始:先用你的手隨意將任何一個形狀放在板子上,並與它互動,各式各樣的形狀於焉而生。這些形狀可能看似熟悉,或暗藏玄機,你可以試著去左右這些形狀的發展,亦可冷眼旁觀,看看它們會如何變化,把輸贏放一旁,造型遊戲就是為 了創意與樂趣。
Instructions: Open box. Unfold board. To begin play, place any shape on the board and interact with it with your hands. A series of forms will unfold. They may seem familiar or suggest a hidden order. Try to influence the shapes, or sit back and let them arise naturally. Do not be concerned with winning. Forming Game is played for creative fun.
(C)再捕捉 Retouches
Directed by Malcolm Sutherland
製作 喬治‧史威茲貝爾、馬克‧貝特朗
Produced by Georges Schwizgebel, Marc Bertrand
5分 35秒 / 2008
05 min 35 s / 2008
Animation filmmaker Georges Schwizgebel mesmerizes us with visual acrobatics. Between waves on a shore and a sleeper breathing, he alters the balance of shapes in the world and plays with perception to grasp the fleeting movement of our lives. Retouches is a series of passing visions of perpetual motion.
(D)禮拜天 Sunday
Directed by Patrick Doyon
製作 馬克‧貝特朗、麥可‧福島
Produced by Marc Bertrand, Michael Fukushima
9分 50秒 / 2011
09 min 50 s / 2011
After mass, the family gathered at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, as they did every Sunday. With everyone talking at once, it sounded like a family of crows cawing while perched on hydro lines. The town factory has close its doors and, naturally, the adults can’t stop fretting about their money problems. On this particular Sunday, one of the village boys places a coin on the train tracks. Imagine his astonishment when, picking up the coin after a train has run over it, he discovers some amazing changes.
(E)缺陷美 Flawed
Directed by Andrea Dorfman
製作 安奈特‧克拉克
Produced by Annette Clarke
12分 29秒 / 2010
12 min 29 s / 2010
Flawed is nothing less than a beautiful gift from Andrea Dorfman’s vivid imagination, a charming little film about very big ideas. Dorfman has the uncanny ability to transform the intensely personal into the wisely universal. In Flawed she deftly traces her encounter with a potential romantic partner, questioning her attraction and the uneasy possibility of love. But, ultimately, Flawed is less about whether girl can get along with boy than whether girl can accept herself, imperfections and all.
(F)印刷原色 CMYK
Directed by Marv Newland
製作 馬丁‧羅斯
Produced by Martin Rose
7分 13秒 / 2011
07 min 13 s / 2011
導演馬傅‧紐蘭及動畫設計師庫諾爾‧塞恩以日常可見的印刷品素材,如營養穀片的外盒,製作了眾多小紙片,精心整理出代表印刷原色的符號。這些物件從原始的工作崗位卸下重擔後化身為動感十足的藝術品,五彩繽紛的點點雜亂無章的點擊,十字準線帶著一絲疲態的轉動,原形強迫症般的舞躍,配以由編曲家麗莎‧米勒與Quatuor? Bozzini四重奏所演奏的即興式背景音樂,上演了一場色彩與能量失去控制的大暴動。
Director Marv Newland and animator Kunal Sen meticulously assembled multitudes of CMYK symbols, pulled off flaps of common printed materials like cereal boxes. Freed from their workaday origins, these objects become moving artwork. Colored dots pulsate chaotically, crosshairs roll languidly and primary shapes dance compellingly, while the music by composer Lisa Miller and the Quatuor Bozzini quartet is equally spontaneous. The result: an unrestrained riot of color and energy.
(G)邦斯顫抖的面紗 The Trembling Veil of Bones
Directed by Matthew Talbot-Kelly
製作 尼奇‧戈根、馬丁‧羅斯
Produced by Nicky Gogan, Martin Rose
12分 42秒 / 2010
12 min 42 s / 2010
Inside a darkened studio filled with the sounds of ticking gears and cogs sits a solitary clockmaker, Bones. This peculiar character parcels out his time in teaspoons and shadow, until the arrival of a mysterious package propels him to leave his refuge. Director Matthew Talbot-Kelly’s animated short film The Trembling Veil of Bones uses a combination of live action and computer-generated imagery to create a layered world of intrigue and revelation.
(H)馬莫里 Mamori
Directed by Karl Lemieux
製作 朱利‧洛伊
Produced by Julie Roy
7分 44秒 / 2010
07 min 44 s / 2010
Mamori transports us into a black-and-white universe of fluid shapes, dappled and striated with shadows and light, where the texture of the visuals and of the celluloid itself have been transformed through the filmmaker’s artistry. The raw material of images and sounds was captured in the Amazon rainforest by filmmaker Karl Lemieux and avant-garde composer Francisco Lopez, a specialist in field recordings. Re-filming the photographs on 16 mm stock, then developing the film stock itself and digitally editing the whole, Lemieux transmutes the raw images and accompanying sounds into an intense sensory experience at the outer limits of representation and abstraction.
(I)舞蹈的虛與實 ORA
Directed by Philippe Baylaucq
製作 瑞尼‧西涅爾
Produced by René Chénier
15分 35秒 / 2011
15 min 35 s / 2011
A cell divides itself. From this first mass of light six luminous bodies soon emerge. They evolve in a world they are discovering – explorers lit by their internal light, leaving behind traces of the fire that animates them. ORA is a stunning meeting between the artistic worlds of choreographer Jose Navas and filmmaker Philippe Baylaucq. It is the first film to use 3D thermal imaging, producing visuals like none that have ever been seen before.
(J)麥布里奇的旋律 Muybridge’s Strings
Directed by Koji Yamamura
製作 麥可‧福島、Keisuke Tsuchihashi、Shuzo John Shiota
Produced by Michael Fukushima, Keisuke Tsuchihashi, Shuzo John Shiota
12分 39秒 / 2011
12 min 39 s / 2011
Can time be made to stand still? Can it be reversed? Koji Yamamura’s Muybridge’s Strings is a meditation on this theme, contrasting the worlds of the photographer Eadweard Muybridge, and a mother who, watching her daughter grow up, realizes she is slipping away from her. The film focuses on some of the highpoints in Muybridge’s troubled life and intercuts them with the mother’s surrealistic daydreams—a poetic clash that explores the irrepressible human desire to seize life’s fleeting moments, to freeze the instants of happiness.